LED Wall Calculator

Select a Tile
ROE Visual Carbon CB8 (T4 Frame / Transparent)
ROE Visual Carbon CB8 (T4 Frame / Transparent)
Tile Width (ft) 1.97 ft
Tile Height (ft) 3.94 ft
Tile Width (mm) 600 mm
Tile Height (mm) 1200 mm
Pixels Wide 72
Pixels High 144
Pixel Pitch 8.33
Processing Brompton
Max Hang
Max Stack
Visual Pitch 8.33
Brightness (nits) 4000
Transparency (%) 23
Power Consumption 350w
Ampere (208V) 1.68A
Ampere (230V) 1.52A
Ampere (240V) 1.46A
Weight/Tile (lb) 65 lbs
Weight/Tile (Kg) 29.51 Kg
Rating indoor/out
LED Type
This tool is for general planning purposes only. Manufacturer manuals should be checked for exact weights, power ratings, etc. Weights for all screens is tile weight only and does not include hanging hardware, cabling, etc. Power varies by LED type and calibration, this is for US inventory
Proposed Wall Size (FT)
Lock / maintain 1.778(+-)
Aspect Ratio: 1
Wall Size
Width: 600 FT
Height: 1200 FT
Pixels Wide: 144
Pixels High: 144
# of Tiles: 1
Total: 65 LBS
Peak Watts: 350 W
Ampere at 110V (max): 3.18 A
Required Processors (min)
HD (1920x1080): 1
4K (3840x2160): 1
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