Opt-Out Right

In 2020 the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) introduced new data privacy rights for residents of California, including the right for residents to request that businesses do not 'sell' their personal information along with requesting what information a business has stored about them. Read our User Privacy Policy to see how we store and use data.

If you would like to exercise this right, please click the "Request My Information" button provided below. We will respond to you with information we have stored about the account in question, based on the email address provided by the you.

Account Deletion

If a user requests to delete their account, it's crucial to understand that they will not be able to use that account again. This is because deleting an account involves the permanent removal of all personal information associated with it, and this is done not only to protect the user's privacy but also to prevent impersonation. Therefore, users should take the decision to delete their account seriously and consider whether it's truly what they want before making the request.

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