4Wall Supports Campaign to #SaveStageLighting

By Luke Lytle | General
6 years ago
 4Wall Supports Campaign to #SaveStageLighting

We at 4Wall have been closely following the Save Stage Lighting Campaign implemented by the Association of Lighting Designers. Proposed regulations in the EU pose a significant threat to the livelihoods of thousands of stagehands, lighting designers, technicians, and other careers in the stage & theatrical lighting industry.

This in-depth primer will get you up-to-date on the proposed 2020 EU Lighting Regulations.

We stand with the supporters of the petition to keep stage lighting exempt from the proposed legislation changes. Even though these regulations are only for Europe, if passed, they could become a standard that other countries implement in the future. As many others have already done, we call on everyone to sign the petition on change.org here.

We support the efforts of manufacturers that are speaking out about the issue such as ETC, Robe, Chauvet, GLP, Phillips Entertainment, Ayrton, Clay Paky, and many others. We also support initiatives by these manufacturers to continue to research & develop sustainable, energy efficient technologies that will continue to lower power consumption and reduce emissions.

This issue affects all of us in the industry from manufacturers & rental companies to stagehands & lighting designers, and we need to support this important campaign.

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